Plavby loďou Nevada, USA
plavby loďou
USA, Svatý Martin, Svätá Lucia, Barbados zo San Juanu na lodi Rhapsody of the Seas
USA, Kanada zo Seattlu na lodi Anthem of the Seas
Kanada, USA, British Columbia, Juneau, Las Vegas, Seattle, Skagway
USA, Bahamy, Jamajka, Haiti z Port Canaveralu na lodi Adventure of the Seas
USA, Svatý Martin, Antigua a Barbuda, Barbados zo San Juanu na lodi Rhapsody of the Seas
USA, Bahamy, Mexiko z Galvestonu na lodi Harmony of the Seas
Kanada, USA z Vancouveru na lodi Serenade of the Seas
USA, Kanada zo Seattlu na lodi Anthem of the Seas
Kanada, USA, British Columbia, Juneau, Las Vegas, Seattle, Skagway